- Population reports for World of Warcraft. Absolutely fascinating stuff if you happen to play WoW:
- Are bullet-trains coming to America? If we can find ways to privately fund their construction, then I hope so. Lengthy article about the potential of high-speed railways in the U.S.
- Speaking of funding, I loathe taxes. To me, taxes = freedom. The more money you have, the more freedom you have. There aren't many things I am willing to spend taxes on. I am more than willing to throw my hard-earned money into space exploration. Lord knows I am no greenie, conservationist or progressive, but some day in the future we are going to run out of resources or real-estate. It may happen 300 years from now or 10,000 years from now, but it will happen. The sooner we start working towards permanently getting off this crazy blue rock, the better. Unfortunately, Obama is planning to kill the latest manned moon missions.
- My top five movie villains. The first three were easy to pick and should draw a fair amount of agreement. The last two were very difficult to pick. I could fill the last two spots with fifty different villains. Oh, and unlike my previous lists, they are in order, with the greatest movie villain in the first spot:
1. Vader
2. Wicked Witch of the West
3. Hannibal Lecter
4. Amon Goeth (Schindler's List)
5. Hal 9000
There are many ways to define a movie villain, here is how I define mine...while watching the movie if I was rooting against the character, they are a villain. Using this rule, characters like Michael Corleone, Tyler Durden, etc. cannot be on my favorite movie villains list. In other words, anti-heroes are not villains. Who are your top five villains? Post your top five in the comments section.