- Reviews for Revenge of the Sith are starting to hit the internet. It's getting better reviews than I thought it would. I have read about 40 reviews so far, and only three of them were negative. Rotten Tomatoes (the best website on the internet for tracking movie reviews), as of this writing, has posted 28 reviews...26 of them positive, 2 negative, for a 93% freshness rating. The number of reviews posted on RT will skyrocket to over 150 reviews by the time Revenge of the Sith is released world-wide. If Revenge of the Sith keeps above 90% freshness, its going to make an insane amount of money. I predict Revenge of the Sith will finish between 70 to 80% freshness. Media companies hold negative reviews of movies until the movie is released or just after it is released. This is especially true of big movies like Revenge of the Sith. Magazines and newspapers want to avoid effecting the movie's box office and thus upsetting the company that made the movie. Here is a link to Revenge of the Sith at Rotten Tomatoes. You wont see any spoilers, but if you click on any of the review links at Rotten Tomatoes, you will be inundated with spoilers:
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